Stealing moments

Good afternoon All,

It’s a short and sweet blog today to check in 🙂

I currently (and for the next 3 weeks) have friends and family staying with me so time to myself is limited, I find I am stealing moments whenever I can. I have stepped into my role of chief cook and maid quite well *rolls eyes* I guess this is what it will be like with children around…stealing moments, quick hugs and kisses when no one is looking, constant cleaning, I don’t know how many cups of tea I have made that have been poured cold down the sink, dinner time needs military precision to get everyone fed with the right meals and then taking the bathroom in turns for baths (my house only runs on a fire that heats the water so this is more often than not a waiting game to let the water re-heat and of course I’m the last one in) and until Saturday passed we also had my SIL here with her dogs that made the grand total of 5 adults and 6 dogs (one being a 15 week old puppy) in what is a decent but not huge sized cottage………if it wasn’t for the IVF I think I would be on a bottle (or 2) of prosecco a day!!!


What it also is … brilliant!!!!! Hubs and I live 500 miles away from our family and old set of friends so when they descend it’s a whole load of mayhem and catching up, it’s talking about times past, it’s making new memories, it’s making sure that we fill up on each other to then go the time without! We all get’s a running joke between all my family and friends on how my reply time to texts and phone calls are, however when I do I make sure I have the time to listen..not just a quick text that I will have forgot, I want the quality to be there too because these are the people I love and want around and equally they are there for me  and when I have not even been able to talk through my tears when I have been broken because of this journey yet I know that within my circle it doesn’t matter who I call or message because they are there!

Moments in time are all we really have so we shouldn’t waste them. It doesn’t matter how crazy life gets at time we should make the time to let someone know when are thinking about them. It can all change in the blink of an eye!…make the memories 😀

Right!! back to the grindstone 😉




MIDNA – Agatha Watch


BODY – Maitreya Lara

EYEBROWS – L’Etre – Fierce



HAIR – [LeLutka] – Alice

EYE MAKE UP – Catwa eyeshadow – Smoky boudoir

POSE – D&C Couple pose 96



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